Keeping the house in order

Keeping the house in order

  • 3 Green Additions That Can Clean Up Your Office

    As the world continually eases toward a healthier tomorrow, businesses are frequently judged by their clientele on the measures they take in order to create an environmentally-friendly office environment. Whilst making a conscious decision to turn your office green will help to preserve the health of the planet, it'll also do wonders for creating a clean, healthy and productive office space. Becoming eco-friendly isn't just beneficial for the world around your business, but also for the health of the business itself.

  • Carpet Stain Woes | 3 Miraculous Home Remedies For Vanishing Red Wine Stains

    Carpets create an amazing allure for any home, but they also require an effort when it comes to cleaning and maintenance – especially when there's a spill at a party in your home. Any spill can be devastating, but there's nothing worse than the bright bold colour of red wine spilling on your beautiful white carpet to dampen the festive mood. Don't panic –some natural carpet cleaning miracles can make your red wine stains disappear in no time, so you can continue to play the magnificent host.

  • 5 Tips to Help You Clean Through the Deceased Estate of a War Veteran

    If you have the job of cleaning through the deceased estate of a war veteran, it can be hard to determine which items are of value (historically or otherwise) and which are not. Here is a quick guide to determining which items might be useful. Determine which regiment the veteran served in, and which wars or battles they participated in. Some battles have a particularly high value, due to their place in Australian culture.

  • Alternatives To Carpet For The Office

    Your small business might well have carpet in its offices simply because that is what you are used to seeing in office spaces. But actually, carpets might not be the best flooring solution for your workplace. Even when carpets are regularly cleaned via a commercial cleaning service, it is all too easy for fibrous carpets to house dirt and dust mites. This is bad news for people with allergens and asthmatics who work for you – and if it is bad for the health of your employees, then it is bad for the health of your company.

  • Professional Carpet Cleaning Is Highly Recommended If You Belong to Any of These Categories

    Apart from the regular vacuuming, dusting and blotting that is offered at home, carpets require through professional cleaning regularly. This type of cleaning not only gets rid of dust inside the carpet, it also rids the carpet off dirt, grit, hairs, fibers and dried-in stains. Although everyone needs to get a professional carpet cleaning service, the service is dire if you are in any of these categories. Pet Owners Pets are great additions to any homestead.

About Me

Keeping the house in order

The best way to keep your marriage happy is to get someone else to do some of the work. I knew when my wife went back to work we'd have to do some shuffling around but having a house cleaner has been amazing. My wife is happier, the house is cleaner and I can find everything again. Any time one of the guys at work is having trouble at home I tell him to get a cleaner in! If your wife is happy, your life is happy. A cleaner is a good investment in keeping your house and life in order.
